GNG EM News & Announcements

  • November Missions Fundraising Bazaar - CANCELLED

    We’ll be hosting a Bazaar at GNG on Saturday, November 16th at 9:00 AM.

    EM will start helping starting at 10:00 AM so please come out to help KM and bring donation items to contribute to the good cause.

  • October Fellowship - Board Games

    Join us to play board games together on the last Sunday of October.

    This will also be a day of Praise & Prayer since it’s the last Sunday of the month. We’ll have extended worship and prayer sessions instead of sermon.

  • Bible Reading - New Testament

    We're starting a weekly Bible Reading meeting.

    We'll create a voice room once a week (Thursdays at 9:00 PM) where we'll hear the New Testament narration for 10 minutes - we're keeping it short to make it easy!! We'll also have quizzes on each book as we finish them so you guys can win prizes and be rewarded for reading the Bible consistently :)

    Let any leader know if you're not part of this group and would like to be added to the call.

  • Summer Safari 2024

    This year's safari was a success as well! Thank you so much for your participation :)

    The winning team is Team Meaningful and your prize is K-BBQ.

    Team Meaningless sill get Boba as a consolidation prize.


  • Fall 2024 Lock-in

    This year's Fall Lock-In will be on 09/27 - 09/29. Mark your calendars!!

    Peter & Sae Buck will host as usual. Follow up with any leader for the address :)

  • Joint Service on 10/06/24

    We'll have Communion Joint Service with KM on October 6th.

    Please make sure to come to the KM Sanctuary by 10:45AM.

  • Offering via Zelle

    If you have a heart for offering, please give through Zelle to

  • Follow us on kakao

    Subscribe to our kakao channel @gngem_info for real-time announcements.

    Feel free to message the admin for any questions related to GNG EM including being added to our prayer request group chat.